Wednesday, February 25, 2009

If I could advise Obama - what I would say...

So I don't really follow politics and I'm not a super intellectual. That being said - if I could advise President Obama this is what I would say to him: tell the American people that we must have courage to face the hard times ahead that we created. That the time for bailouts is no longer and that any type of stimulus would only prolong our hardship. I would tell him there will be casualties from this financial fallout. That we must look into ourselves to create opportunities for financial stability. We cannot look into the past to tell us how to behave or react to our situation. Our future and the future of our children depends on our ability to absorb the economy's shortcomings. Each of us must be a leader and make the necessary sacrifice. I personally ask each & everyone of us to look into our lives and see where we can cut the fat. I ask that corporations to look into keeping employees instead of cutting jobs just because profits are lowered than last year. I would advise that heads of corporations and those highly paid (anyone over $300K) be called upon to make a financial sacrafice in their living style and acknowledge them for the hardship they would endure when they make that sacrifice.

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