Thursday, June 19, 2008

Welcome to my very first blog!

To those women out there who are managing it all - let me acknowledge you for all the things you for do for others - that are seen and even things you do for others that are not seen. You know what I'm talking about - it's those little acts of kindness and thoughtfulness just because of who you are.

Being a phenomenal woman is being someone who wants it all - having a great satisfying relationship with your significant other, having a kick-butt career, raising awesome kids, pets, etc. and most importantly thinkinkg of yourself as the GODDESS you really are!

Yep - I said it (or wrote it here) - you are a GODDESS no matter what you look like, no matter what clothing size you are (FYI - I'm much slimmer & sexier in my mind's eye), how much or little money you have in your account, how old or young you's all PERFECT and now is the time to own your Goddessness. So go ahead, take a few minutes - grab your favorite beverage, pop a squat and cheers to you!

I want to share my little treasure chest of insights with you - all the things I've learned and seen as well as questions I have or things I want to learn more about. It's a journey we can take together. You can check in often because I'll be writing about my outrageous plethra of friends and what antics they get themselves into. (I might have to change some names to protect the not so innocent) it's all great! I hope you can laugh & cry & get a nugget of gold in a world of Being a Phenomenal Woman! - M

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