Friday, March 27, 2009

Creating your own effective website

I've done a lot of research on the Internet because I wanted to build my own website. The problem is that there's a LOT of information on the net & you can easily be overwhelmed. I am. Or I should say I was until I came upon this site called SiteSell. They have videos to explain what their services are, why they are different from other web building or hosting services and they even give you a free ebook that you can download & read if you were inclined to build your own website from scratch.

I did download the book first becuase I considered myself a do-it-yourselver and the ebook did contain great information but like anything else, there was a lot of preplanning involved. Research that I had to do and Time that I had to find in order to do the research. I was beginning to have that overwhelmed feeling again but I wasn't sure I was able to afford the services of SiteSell either (but I never bothered to find out the exact pricing... I just assumed and you all know where that got me). So I procrastinated. Sound familar? Great idea, no time to implement it.

Until I read another article that mentioned the services of SiteSell. This time I took a few extra minute to look into their services. I guess my skeptical side was trying to find the gotchas because it sound too good to be true. I even read that the services offered is ideal for the "Do It Yourselfer" crowd - that's me! The information was broken down into easy to understand steps to creating your own effective website that gets organic traffic (meaning I didn't have to pay for my site to be ranked). If you're a person who wants to know as much information as possible, GREAT NEWS - there's SBI! eLearning . There are even case studies that showed me from beginning to end what others accomplished using SiteSell.

The bottom line is this. I don't have the time to research the necessary details of building an effective and traffic driven website. SiteSell does all the prework and makes it easy for me to do what I know best - that's sharing my love for event planning!

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